2009年3月30日 星期一

學習Ulead Cool 360

Today I learning something ...
step 1: Once you find your spot hold the camera in to view to take your first picture of part of your 360 panorama(全景)
Dr.yuen attention to
1) at least 6 photoes
2) stand拍照時,固定角度do'nt move,原地轉旋360
3) 拍攝照片需注意,互相結合處,不要拍攝會動的畫面,編輯合成時,易造成鬼影 no good
step 2: Using the Ulead COOL 360 Program. If you don't have one at home, you can download the 15 day free trial of Ulead COOL 360 at http://www.ulead.com/cool360/runme.htm. Follow the downloading instructions to install the program.

step3: Basic types of computer graphics have 1,Vector graphics 2,Raster graphics
向量圖:1.由點、線、面所構成,它是由數學的運算構成的,運用數學公式的方式來記算並記錄 2.檔案小,放大不失真。 3.存檔格式 .AI, .CDR, .FH, .XAR, .WMF, .EPS, .PDF
點陣圖:1.由像素點所構成。2.真實呈現圖像,放大會失真,檔案大。3.存檔格式 .CPT .PSD .BMP .TIFF .JPG .GIF

step4: bitmaps have
1-bit bitmaps (monochromatic). 1 – white, 0 – black)
8-bit bitmaps (on a grey scale or in a palette - 256 colours)
16-bit bitmaps (65 536 possible colours)
24-bit bitmaps (true colour or 16 777 216 colours)
32-bit bitmaps (images in full CMYK, where every one of the CMYK colours is added 8 bits 8x4=32)

Depending on the number of pixels displayed on a raster image there are: - 1-bit bitmaps (monochromatic) 單色/黑白hromatic drawings or text where there are only two possible values – black and white (the principle on which digital devices work; 1 – white, 0 – black) - 8-bit bitmaps (on a grey灰階scale or in a palette調色板- 256 colours) multi-shade, black and white image or a simple colouristic image created with the maximum of 256 colours. - 16-bit bitmaps (65 536 possible colours) Raster images which are rarely encountered nowadays and have reached their peak in the middle of the previous decade due to the inability of the graphic cards 顯示卡the time to display a number of colours greater than that. - 24-bit bitmaps (true colour or 16 777 216 colours) include all the colours necessary for displaying photorealistic images on a computer in RGB mode RGB彩色模式. Nowadays it is most commonly used for image display on a screen. - 32-bit bitmaps (images in full CMYK, where every one of the CMYK colours is added 8 bits 8x4=32) include polychromatic images intended for printing or any type of reproduction where four main components are used to create an image (cyan, magenta, yellow and black components). They do not look very different on a screen than 24-bit bitmaps.

